Sunday, September 13, 2009

10 09 09

YO guyys wats upp. How are you guys today?good huh? So here we go


I started this day with a not-so-late time to go to school (but really, I am not late). When I came to school, my friends were outside. There’s thasya, yasa, tisha, abe, and opi. They were talking and talking and talking. So I said “hi” to them , and they said “hi” to me too (helloooo this is not important (y). back to my storyyy yea. So we went to the mosque (as usual for praying dhuha), actually every after praying dhuha, there are some stories that the teacher shares. Today we were talking about POWER RANGERS!!! I was like “whaaaat, why are we talking about this”. Because I’m a student, I cant say much of this topic. And then there’s one student (kindergarten student) says something that is like sooo weird. This is the conversation

Teacher: iya jadi power ranger itu saling membantu, dan kalian harus saling membantu blablabla

Anak kindergarten: miister mister misteerrrr (tau kan lo kalo anak kecil pengen omongannya didengerin dan diungkapin)

Teacher: yesss?

Anak kindergarten: power rangers over monsterrrrs

(pas itu anak ngomong gitu, gue sama temen gue tertawa terbahak bahak diliatin semuanya)

teacher: oh iya haha

(gurunya menjelaskan lagi dan gue sama temen-temen gue ketawa terbahak2 sampai puaasssssss)


Udah selesai semuanyaaa, akhirnya kita disuruh ke kelas. Kita awali hari kita dengan pelajaran ENGLISHHHHHHHHH. English? It sounds fun but it is not really fun, becauseee. . . . . in this lesson we got a test. The test is about preposition. Udah gitu ga ada yang belajar pulaaa astaghfirullah deeehhh ckck oke lanjuuuut. Kita selesai tes dalam waktu 40 menit, dan 40 menit berikutnya kita ngobrol (waiting while the teacher is checking our tests). Dan akhirnya gurunyaa selesai periksa tesnyaaa. Gue udah agak deg-degan sih, tapi ternyata gue dapet 13 out of 20 (believe it or not I got the highest scooooore wohoooo). Akhirnya kita dapet about 10 minutes for FREE TIMEEEEE!! Oh my god, free time is like the best lesson eveeer.  Anyway, then we have break time (y). terus pas break time masa temen gue nangiiissss :’( huaaa gue ikut-ikutan sedih. Tp sebagai temen yang baik gue harus menghibur dia. ternyata dia nangis karena abang gue itu tuh lalalalaa -_-


“for thasya: tapi yaudah sih ya biarin aja thas, cowok kayak gitu jangan terlalu dipikiriiin haha.”


After break time we had PE. Nothing special happens in PE class, we played “snakes and ladder” some of the other also played chess and uno. Gees good time (biasa aja sih sebenernya hhahaha -_-). Lanjut yaaaa, terus PE selesai dan pelajaran berikutnya adalah religiooooonnn. There we watched some movies. About Moslem and stuffs (I cant really tell you what I watched). Yaudah blablabla religion selesaaaaiii (y). sekarang is ARABIIIIICCCC. Arabic kita ada unit test gitu, suruh kedepan kelas bikin conversation yang spontan. Dan gue berpasangan sama Abe doong buat test inii hahaha. And guess whaaaaaaaattt we goooot 90 hellooooo NINETYY for ARABIC. We were like soo happy lolz. Then blablabla home timeeee. Actually I have to wait for a while because my driver haven’t picked me up yet that time. So yea I chat with my friends there.

Akhirnyaaaa sampai juga dirumah, alhamdulillahhhh. Sampe rumah gue mandi (ga penting) dann segeeeerr banget karena tadi itu panas sekaleee udaranya ckck. Lanjuuuut -..-‘ terus pas sampe rumah gue istirahat bentaar blablabla. Akhirnya waktu menunjukkan jam 6.30 dan gue baru inget gue ada latian choir. Dan gue pun langsung ganti baju dan sebagainya. Sampe-sampe disana, I was shocked because there was only like 4 people who were waiting. So I also wait, then my singing teacher and came to me

“ kamu bukannya ada

les sama saya?”

      “oh ya?oh iya kak lupa”

(Dan akhirnya pun gue  les dulu)

setelah les selama 30 menit, gue nyanyi lagu smile hihi tau kan?yang:

Smile, though your heart is aching ,smile even though it’s breaking

When there are clouds in the sky you’ll get by

If you smile through your fears and sorrow

Smile and maybe tomorrow

You’ll see the sun come shining through

For youu



Ini adalah salah satu lagu favorite gue karena kata katanya baguuss sekaleee hahaha. Yaudah habis itu gue les 30 menit, Dan gue langsung kebawah keruangan dimana choirnya lagi latian. Kita td latian lagu beegees- you should be dancing & love you inside out yang namanya ini lagu dua seru beenjeeeets haha dan akhirnya latian itu selesai jam setengah 9 apa mau jam 9 gue lupa pokoknya sekitar jam segitu. Capeeek banget ckck

Pokoknya hari ini lumayan seru deh guuys, semoga besok lebih seruu ya kaaan?amin deeeh hihi okeee

Salam sayang dari gueee (cuiih -..-“) hahaha bybeyebyebyebyeeeeeee


Keitalightyear/keita ghaisani


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